Best Methods for Reheating the Ribs

Ribs are a succulent treat no matter what’s the occasion. But despite that, there’s nothing worse than trying to figure out how to reheat leftover Ribs.

With the ultimate goal of retaining the succulent quality of freshly cooked ribs, reheating ribs is a perfect method of preserving them. 

Reheating Ribs: Quick Overview

Even with a hot barbecue plate, reheating ribs quickly can turn out chilled or scorching hot because of the cold bone that runs through each one.

Though it might seem irritating, there are many methods to guarantee hot reheated ribs whenever it matters most.    

How to Store Ribs for Reheating Later?

You should be familiar with a few methods of storing Ribs if you decide to have them for your next meal. When ribs are not stored properly, no amount of reheating will allow them to take on the flavor you wish to impart.

Before storing, you need to be aware of the following points.

  • First ensure that the cooked meat is sliced into portion-sized portions. The process of reheating and serving will become much simpler.
  • It is very important not to leave cooked meat in the open for too long. 
  • It is recommended you do not store Ribs longer than 4 days. 

It is possible to store the Ribs in two ways:

Step 1: Refrigerate

If you plan to have your ribs cooked soon then it is recommended to refrigerate them should be good enough. Wrap the ribs in plastic and aluminum foil or in an airtight container.

Vacuum sealing or an airtight container works best. A zipper plastic bag or an airtight bag with a vacuum seal will also work. The idea is to keep the air out.

Step 2: Freeze 


​To eat them later on, you can choose to freeze your cooked ribs. Just like with storing in a refrigerator, the same methods will work here as well.

Despite this, you may wish to avoid using plastic tubs since the lids tend to break and the insides become frozen, defeating the purpose of an airtight seal.

The extra ribs should be refrigerated first before freezing to cool them down. By doing so, the freezing process will be more efficient and faster as a whole. 

How to Reheat Ribs at the Best Temperature?

Reheating Ribs are very much dependent on temperature. It is basically a matter of getting the temperature right when reheating ribs.

As you may have observed when improperly reheating ribs, they are often dry and chewy. This lack of moisture, of course, is the cause. The procedure will ensure that your pork or beef ribs are safe to eat.

Although you will probably be reheating at a higher temperature, it is highly likely that it will be done at a lower temperature. 

How to Reheat Ribs Properly:

Reheating food is not a simple process, so there are steps to follow before we start. When you have smoked your barbecue ribs, the crucial part of eating them again is reheating them with pan drippings which take the meat to life and promote succulent flesh.

There are some steps which you will follow to have the best result of reheating the Rib.

Step 1: Remove the Excess Fat

You are not obtaining the juices from the meat. You should make sure any excess fat comes from your drippings before you put anything away for the first time.

As you put your Rib out of the fridge to cool off and the best results come from the fridge, a thick layer should then be built up on top of them.

It should be removed, discarded, or saved for later. Sautéing vegetables make a nice variation.

Step 2: Utilize the Juice

Utilize the Juice
Utilize the Juice

After removing the fat, simply coat your ribs in the juices of the barbecued meat, turning gently to coat all sides. If you don’t consume the ribs immediately, you can store them in the refrigerator or frozen until you need them again.

Step 3: Choose a Sauce

Put your ribs in the oven and cover them with a thick sauce or apple juice when you’re ready to roast them. If your barbecue sauce has already been thick on your ribs, then this step isn’t necessary, but a little extra never hurts.

Keep in mind that you don’t want to drown the meat, though, so you need to apply the sauce sparingly.

How to Reheat Ribs on Stove?

How to Reheat the Rib on Stove 
How to Reheat the Rib on Stove?

In the event that you don’t have the option to grill a rib or microwave one, but still want that freshly cooked taste, you can try cooking them on a stove.

There are some steps that you can follow to get the best reheated rib in taste and texture. 

  1. ​​Use a frying pan with a medium depth, about 3 inches deep, and add some water or meat juice to the bottom of the pan.
  2. Place the ribs in the pan and brush them with a sauce of your choice.
  3. Turn on the stove to medium heat.
  4. Make sure that the sauce is evenly applied to all parts of the ribs, and to make sure that they are all being heated.

Time Duration:

A process such as this will also take around 8 to 10 minutes, dependent on the amount of pork you are cooking in the pan and especially the type of pan that you are using.

You need to keep checking on the ribs so they don’t dry out because overcooking tends to happen very often on the stove. Apply the BBQ sauce to the ribs generously.

How to Reheat Ribs in Oven?

How to Reheat the Rib in Oven 
How to Reheat the Rib in Oven 

In order to have something hot, the oven is the way to go. If you have leftover ribs, this is the healthiest option you will find. It’s especially useful if you have a lot of ribs to prepare, so you may want to use it whenever you have people over to serv;e.

Step 1: Choose the Temperature 

It is recommended that you must preheat your oven to the maximum temperature. If you’ve got a hot oven, you can place your ribs on a baking sheet or oven-safe pan while your oven reaches the appropriate temperature.

Step 2: Time Required to Reheat Ribs

When the oven reaches the 250°F recommended temperature, add the ribs to it and let them remain warm for about 30 minutes. It’s important to check them after that time and make sure they are warm.

Step 3: Bake the Ribs for More Taste

As your ribs get almost done, turn the heat way up and open the foil wrapper, letting the ribs broil at 500 degrees for five minutes.

When you remove the ribs from the fridge, the extra sauce will caramelize, and it will make the ribs even more delicious than before. 

How to Reheat Ribs in Microwave?

Reheating the Ribs in Microwave

When people consider the best way to reheat ribs, most will probably suggest using the microwave, because the old standard is probably the most popular.

More often than not, when the need arises for something hot, fast, most people will turn to the microwave for support.

Unfortunately, microwaves are often not very good at reaching the desired temperature evenly, so their centers are often stone-cold and the outsides can get really hot. So, to microwave your Rib use this method below.

Step 1: Use a Paper Towel

One of the most indispensable pieces of equipment in this heating method is the paper towel. Two of these should be wetted fully and then wrung out, the first one going over your ribs and the other on the plate.

By doing this, the ribs stay moist, thereby keeping the inside of your microwave spick and span with sauce splatter and bits of meat.

Step 2: Time Required to Reheat Ribs in Microwave

When your ribs are separated and placed in their own container, with a minute or two to spare, you should see them start to heat up. If your microwave is very powerful, you should watch them carefully during this time.

Once they bubble, they should be done. However, if they are not hot, place them back in the oven for 30 seconds to 1 minute until they are.

Step 3: Unhealthy to Microwave Food

Reheating your leftovers in the microwave might seem incredibly efficient and convenient. Although some people believe that microwaves ruin food by killing off many good nutrients.  

How to Reheat Ribs on Grill?

How to Reheat the Ribs on Grill
How to Reheat the Ribs on Grill?

Reheating leftover ribs on the grill is one of the easiest ways to reheat them. You can leave your ribs at room temperature for 30 minutes or more, or until they are completely thawed.

After defrosting the coat with sauce. Make sure not to overdo it, as too much is likely to ruin the flavor.

Step 1: Choose the Temperature

The grill should be preheated to 250°F. While your grill is heating up, place the meat between two layers of aluminum foil and place it on the grill. It is recommended that you place the other side of the grill on indirect heat.

Reheat the grill until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F. You can easily determine the meat’s temperature with a meat thermometer.

Step 2: Time Required to Reheat the Rib

Unwrap the foil from the meat after it reaches the desired temperature and place the meat on the grill again, this time on direct heat.

Both sides will be grilled for five-minute increments, or in total 10-minutes. Once the ribs reach the proper doneness remove them from the grill and let them rest for about 10 minutes. 

How to Steam the Leftover Ribs?

How to Steam the Leftover Ribs
How to Steam the Leftover Ribs?

Steaming the Leftover ribs is another way but it is a little slower than a microwave, which ensures that your meat dries out this way. Below are some steps to steam the leftover ribs.

Step 1: Prepare the Steamer

Place a quarter cup of apple juice into a crockpot, steamer, pot, or steamer and heat until boiling.

Step 2: Steam

Place your ribs in a steamer basket and hang them over the juice. Cover the ribs and allow them to steam for at least 30 minutes. Do not take the lid off the ribs because they will not steam properly.

During this process, do not check the meat, as this will let off all the steam and lower the temperature inside the steamer, resulting in it taking longer to finish.

Step 3: Add some Flavours

You can take your ribs off the heat when they are hot and place them on a plate. If you prepared the ribs in advance, you can just pour the remaining apple juice in the bottom of the steamer, along with some meat drippings and barbecue sauce that fell off the ribs while warming.

Pour over your ribs a small portion of the juices, then stir them well.

​How to Reheat Ribs in Toaster Oven?

Reheating the Ribs in Toaster Oven

​If you are an experienced cook who knows hot toaster ovens inside and out, you can even master the art of the perfect rack of ribs with one.

The oven is essentially just a miniaturized version of a regular oven, but it will still do the job.

There are some points that you should keep in mind while toasting the Ribs.

  1. ​Preheat toaster oven to 250 degrees F
  2. Cover the ribs using the foil paper.
  3. Now place them inside the oven
  4. Continue to check on the ribs until they have been heated through

Time Duration:

You will need to know how long the ribs will take to reheat in a toaster oven anyhow, so you will be able to adjust the toaster oven’s temperature accordingly.

The cooking time can be anywhere between 10 and 20 minutes, depending on the kind and cut of the ribs.

How to Reheat Ribs in an Air Fryer:

How to Reheat the ribs in an Air fryer
How to Reheat the Ribs in an Air Fryer?

The Air Fryer uses concentrated hot air to provide cooking similar to deep fat frying. Basically, you can use it to rewarm your ribs and keep the crust on the outside.

Air fryers do not work well with wet foods, so they’re best used for dry foods. For instance, ribs are covered in dry rub rather than slathered in BBQ sauce.

Below are some steps you can follow to reheat the ribs in an air fryer.

  1. Preheat your air fryer to 350°F before you use it.
  2. Load up your ribs so they will fit comfortably in your air fryer without you feeling the need to jam them in. Overloading the air fryer is problematic since it prevents the cooking air from circulating and may result in a lower target temperature of 140 F.
  3. If you add one tablespoon of oil to your ribs, you will be able to prevent them from drying out and your bark becoming hard.

Time Required to Reheat:

Cook your ribs for approximately 3-4 minutes, then conduct an internal temperature check.

Cooking food in an air fryer can be quite quick, so work in short bursts to avoid the food drying out.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What makes ribs more tender?

Dry ribs can be saved with a wet, vinegary sauce and a moist heat that’s gentle and gentle. Here are some points that will make your Ribs more tender. 
1. Make a mixture by using any sauce.
2. Add apple cider vinegar to it.
3. Next, coat the ribs in this mixture.
4. After that, wrap the ribs tightly with foil and bake them at a high temperature for about 10 minutes.

Does cooking ribs longer make them more tender?

In order to keep ribs moist while cooking, it is wise to hydrate the ribs while cooking. The only ribs that fall off the bone are those which have been boiled or steamed. It will be hard to get ribs off the bone when you grill. The longer you cook them, the softer they will be.

When reheating ribs, what are the best ways to make sure they don’t dry out?

The best way to reheat the Ribs without getting them dry is to reheat them in the oven. So there are some steps used to reheat the oven.
1. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees F.
2. When cooking your ribs, add another layer of sauce or liquid, like coke, broth, or beer to keep them moist.
3. Place the ribs on a baking sheet and cover them with foil.
4. You should cook your leftover ribs until they reach a temperature of 145 F.

What is the best thing to put on ribs to keep them moist?

Make sure to coat the ribs well with brown sugar about 30 minutes before you put them in the smoker, and leave them on the counter so the sugar melts. Using this will keep the ribs good and moist without spritzing.


You now know the correct way to Reheat the leftover Ribs, no matter what method you use. However, among these methods, if you want to know the best way to reheat ribs, then you should absolutely choose the Oven.

Steaming keeps food moist, while microwaves deliver instant results, the oven’s maximum efficiency makes it the best method for Reheating a big batch of ribs and caramelizing the extra sauce to make it taste better.

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