How to Freeze Red Cabbage

Cabbage is a very underrated vegetable, but in reality, it can be used in many different ways. It can be served as cooked or raw in a salad with some olive oil. When it comes to healthy eating, Cabbage is among the best ingredients.

The red Cabbage has dark reddish leaves and tastes a bit peppery when raw, and it gets sweet as it is cooked. It can be eaten in a number of ways, like stewed with different vegetables and meat. You can also use it as a wrap instead of a tortilla.

Red Cabbage is a seasonal vegetable and is only available for a short time, leaving you with a small amount of time to enjoy this vegetable. There are a number of ways you can preserve it for using it later, and freezing is the best option.

Can You Freeze Red Cabbage?

Can we Freeze Cooked Red Cabbage
Can we Freeze Cooked Red Cabbage?

Yes, like all other vegetables, red Cabbage is very easy to freeze and can be stored for about three months. It can be stored for a long time only if you freeze it properly, and in this guide, we will tell you all you need to know about freezing red Cabbage.

Tips for Freezing Red Cabbage:

Following are some of the tips to keep in mind when freezing red Cabbage.

  • Always blanch the Cabbage to remove any unwanted material.
  • Make sure to close the freezer bag properly.
  • Attach labels on the bags to let you know when the Cabbage was frozen.

A Guide on How to Freeze Red Cabbage:

Freezing Cabbage is a very simple task, and it preserves this wonderful vegetable for up to three months. The preparation for freezing Cabbage doesn’t require many utensils; all you need are the following tools:

  • A sharp knife.
  • A cutting board.
  • A bowl.
  • Freezer bags.
  • Cookie sheet.
  • You also need a Stockpot or any other large cooking utensil.

There are two main methods of freezing cabbages that are freezing braised Cabbage and normal blanched Cabbage.

How to Freeze Prepared Cabbage?

Freezing Red Cabbage
Freezing Red Cabbage

You can freeze red Cabbage in the very simple steps that are mentioned below.

Step 1: Preparing the Cabbage

Preparing the Cabbage is the first step in properly freezing it. The outer layers of the Cabbage need to be removed as they are exposed to dust and dirt. After removing the outer layers, give the Cabbage a good wash. Now shake it thoroughly and pat it a few times to remove any unwanted material.

To be on the safe side, soaking it in Salt Water for 30 minutes can be reassuring. Doing this prevents any insects and bugs from getting frozen with the Cabbage and ruins it.

Step 2: Cutting the Cabbage

You can cut the Cabbage in a number of ways, like simply separating the leaves and shredding them into smaller pieces. If you have not decided how you will use the Cabbage after defrosting it, we suggest you wedge it. 

With wedges, you have a wider range of use and can cut them into smaller pieces if needed. 

Pro Tip: If you are going to freeze-wedged Cabbage, we suggest leaving the core intact. It will keep all the leaves in one place, and you can easily remove them after defrosting.

Step 3: Preparing Their Blanching Water

Fill up a large pot (stock pot or a large saucepan) with water and bring it to a boil. In another large container, take cold water and some ice cubes to keep it cold. Ensure that the container with cold water is close to the balancing station, so you do not have to move around.

To properly blanch a cabbage, you need to cool it immediately to stop it from cooking.

Step 4: Blanching the Cabbage

As the water starts to boil in the blanching pot, drop the Cabbage in. The hot water will soften the leaves and kill all bacteria that might be harmful to you. Blanching also removes different enzymes that are present in the Cabbage and helps in freezing the Cabbage.

Pro Tip: When blanching wedge cabbage, make sure to take it out from hot water after about three minutes and one to two minutes for shredded Cabbage.  

Step 5: Cool It Down

After the red Cabbage is blanched for the appropriate time, as mentioned above, remove it from the hot water. Now quickly place it in cold water prepared beforehand and let it cool down. Cooling the Cabbage is important as it stops it from overcooking.

Step 6: Dry the Cabbage

Take out the red Cabbage from ice water and dry it. Drying the Cabbage is important as it helps in the freezing process and keeps the leaves crunchy. 

Step 7: Flash Freezing

After the Cabbage is dried, properly place it on a cookie sheet and freeze them (flash freeze). Flash freezing is very important as it prevents the ice crystals from forming, which may ruin the taste of the food.

Make sure that the leaves of the Cabbage are not touched during flash freezing.

Step 8: Put It in the Freezer Bag

When the red Cabbage is frozen, take it out from the freezer and place it in a freezer bag. Make sure to remove as much air as possible if you have a vacuum sealer, then it makes your job all the easier.

Step 9: Freezing the Cabbage

Lastly, attach a sticker to the bag with the date of the freezing and the contents. Now put it back in the freezer.

How to Freeze Braised Red Cabbage?

Freeze Braised Red Cabbage
Freeze Braised Red Cabbage

Braze cabbage is very delicious, and the red color of this Cabbage makes it all the more interesting. You might be thinking that freezing a brazing cabbage will be difficult, but it is really simple. 

Just follow this guide on how to freeze braised red Cabbage, and you will do it in no time. 

Step 1: Cooking the Red Cabbage

You can braise the Cabbage using whichever recipe suits you better or is to your liking. Freezing a braised cabbage doesn’t require any special method of brazing. 

Step 2: Portion the Cabbage and Put It in Freezer Bags

Make portions of the brazed Cabbage depending upon how much you will eat in one go. Now put them in different freezer bags.

Step 3: Removing the Excess Air

Removing excess air is very important, so make sure to remove as much air from the bag as possible. 

Step 4: Freeze the Cabbage

Seal the freezer bags and make sure to label them with the date of freeze and the ingredients. Labeling is very important as it reminds you which batch is supposed to be eaten first. 

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How To Defrost Red Cabbage?

De-frosting a red cabbage depends upon what you want to do with it. There are a lot of recipes that do not require defrosted Cabbage.

For example, if you want to cook it and then add it to a meal, then it is perfectly safe to use the Cabbage frozen. Shredded Cabbage is best for this kind of dish. Remove the Cabbage from the freezer, put it into the pan, and cook away.

If you choose to freeze wedged Cabbage, then you will need to defrost it before use. The best way to defrost a red cabbage is to put it in the fridge and let it defrost over time. This process is the safest way to make sure that the Cabbage is not bruised. 

How Long Does a Frozen Cabbage Last?

Red Cabbage is a seasonal vegetable and is only available for a short time; if you are a cabbage lover that you will be pleased to know that you can safely freeze red Cabbage for three months. 

Does Freezing a Red Cabbage Change Its Flavour?

Red Cabbage can be frozen easily and does well with freezing. When it comes to the taste and texture, there is nothing like fresh vegetables. The texture of the red Cabbage does change after freezing, but if you blanched in properly before freezing, it should still be the same.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How to tell if the cabbage has gone bad?

The best way to check if the Cabbage has gone bad is the color. If the Cabbage starts to decolor and becomes soft, it is a good indicator that it has gone bad.

Is there a difference between red and green Cabbage?

The major difference between the two is obviously the color. The red Cabbage has a higher concentration of vitamin C, antioxidants, and iron. Green Cabbage, on the other hand, has a higher concentration of vitamin K.


Red or green Cabbage is a wonderful vegetable with many different benefits. The only downside is that it is only available for a short time each year.  If you are a cabbage lover, then freezing the Cabbage is a good choice.

The above guide should make your journey to freezing the Cabbage very easy.

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